High School Faith Formation & Confirmation Prep

Grades Nine and Ten (though older students are welcome!)

Confirmation I (Generally corresponds to our 9th Graders)

Who is Jesus? Why follow Him? Why does He get a capital letter on Him (and He)? 

This year, we'll be getting to know Him better. Because next year, we are going to move toward being Confirmed as disciples and followers of Jesus for our whole lives. Knowing Jesus is a life long journey, and Confirmation is a huge step in that adventure. 

Confirmation II (Generally corresponds to Grade 10,

students who have completed Confirmation I)

Whew, almost there, it's happening. Confirmation.
We are here to walk this year of your journey with you. Confirmation is a moment where we are confirmed in our Baptism, where we are fully initiated into a life as disciples of Jesus. No joke-- this is a big moment in your life.
We will pray, we will read, we will learn, we will discuss, we will share, and, and I can guarantee this, because He has promised it,
God will be with us. 

Download High School Faith Formation Calendar 2023-24


  • Confirmation preparation is a two-year process. To receive Confirmation in 10th grade, students must be registered and attending class and Mass regularly throughout grades 9 and 10.
  • Confirmation is held in the fall each year.
  • Getting ready for Confirmation is a separate program for 11th graders (generally), and information and calendars for the fall when Confirmation will be received are provided directly to the students and families of our Confirmation candidates in the spring/summer preceding Confirmation. 
  • If you have questions about Confirmation, please reach Elisa St. Clair.

Catechists Needed:

Catechists (teachers for Religious Education/Faith Formation) are always needed at every level!  In our High School programs, our catechists serve as prayer, discussion, and activity leaders, and work as a team.  Consider whether God might be calling you to serve.  All volunteers must be CORI'd annually, attend VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children" training, and receive the Ministerial Code of Conduct.  The safety of the children in our faith formation programs is our top priority.  Please reach Elisa for more information.

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